Sunday, November 22, 2009

So much for now

Sometimes I'd love to tilt my head and look out of my room's window. Looking into the clear blue sky ahead engines up a calm / peaceful feeling deep in me. To seek for refuge is to seek for comfort.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


The exchange of words may be brief, the exchange of hearts may be sleek. And my heart, a suaver.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


I have this sudden urge to go to Japan for a long Winter holiday. I'm never a fan of Japan but that's until I watched some 5-min clip on Japan's snow (you know the ones played on CNA every now & then introducing Japan to locals???).

Friday, November 6, 2009

Everybody's rules

Don't we all want to have somebody to love. Somebody to hug, tell everything single thing, sprout nonsense to, punch, kick, lick, have fun, hold etc?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Your joy in life

This week has been real busy because of projects kicking in. Basically, there's psychology and sponsorship management projects. These are are on top of the tourism law debate on week four. This, is week three (already).

It's so damn difficult to break into a whole new circle total different from mine. Pulling strings and networking plays a huge part. And luckily it's getting somewhere now, at least.

Sometimes, I question why the heck am I studying all these unrelated stuff? I'm no longer that interested now but there's no other choices too. I don't foresee myself in this field in the future. Painful. Too painful. So many things to memorise, too many things to do, uncountable materials to read.


I miss my mushroom hair.